Nawara Kamara was founded by Isha Sankoh, a native of Sierra Leone whose life’s passion is fashion. The West African native’s earliest memory of this innate desire to work in the fashion industry, can be tied back to an earlier memory of getting in trouble with her teacher, after getting caught flipping through pages of Vogue, at the back of her English Literature class. It is no surprise that she would then go on to receive a bachelor’s degree as a Fashion Merchandise major, and a Business Marketing minor. After years of working in the fashion industry as a stylist, Isha Sankoh is now tackling her next fashion venture, by creating her very own brand and passion project, Nawara Kamara.

Nawara Kamara is a luxury brand created for the everyday woman, who doesn’t want to always look like the everyday woman. This brand was designed with the vision of the elevated everyday woman at her very best, at her most confident, striving for timeless elegance, effortless sex appeal, and a bit of mystique. Nawara Kamara is a women’s wear brand that embodies all those characteristics. This brand is as bold as it’s name, it is quintessential, and resonates with every woman. The brand is synonymous with supreme femininity, as can be noted in its contoured silhouettes, bold hues, and tastefully sexy designs. To be the Nawara Kamara woman is to be yourself, in all your glory and uniqueness. There can only be one you… so why not be the best you?